How to find work by researching press releases

Do you ever wonder how newspapers get their news?
Reporters play a big part and national news syndicates like Associated Press play a big part, but don’t forget about the unsung hero represented in the press release. Whenever a company wants publicity for a product or for the company as a whole, they send out a statement to newspapers, magazines, etc. to get the word out. Not every one of these media outlets prints the release, but the chance of publication is there and like sales, it’s a numbers game.

There are places online to search press releases
Those that are published and those that are in limbo somewhere. When reading through them, “mine” them for leads. Of particular interest should be who was recently promoted because if there is no successor listed, hmmm… there may be an opening there.

You also want to check what company is moving into your town and opening a facility (remember the first newspaper example I gave?).
Keep a close eye on what company is moving out of your city as well. When a company moves, not everyone is going to relocate with it. If you are open to relocation, there could be an opportunity there for you!

One of the better things about press releases is that they are time-sensitive.
If you are lucky enough to get a hot release before a newspaper prints it, then you have a good jump ahead of the competition.

These are some links to help you research press releases.

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