How much money do recruiters make?

Every now and again, I like to look at the average salaries for recruiters. Why? If recruiter salaries are declining, I know that the market is declining. If the salaries are going up, then I know that the job market is picking up (or at the least, companies are willing to pay more for the increased workload on recruiters). If the salaries are consistent, then I know that the economy is consistent in whatever state its in.

When I do this “look see,” I typically turn to When I took a look today, I noticed that the “Average independent recruiter salaries for job postings nationwide are 62% higher than average military recruiter salaries for job postings nationwide.”

Here are some hard numbers for you:

Recruiter Salary Comparison Chart

I was also curious as to how these salaries changed over the past couple of years and overall, not much, unless you were an independent recruiter. If so, then when things are good, they were good. When things went bad, they really sucked. Quite the rollercoaster ride!

Recruiter Salary Comparison Chart

I somewhat scratch my head on the independent recruiter data. I mean, if you are truly independent, then your revenue is pretty much tied to how many clients you can keep. But I digress… Did you notice the title I searched called – “Social Media Manager Recruiter?” Those are jobs where the recruiter is involved with the employment branding via social media or, doing it all themselves. Wow. That is a full plate. Hmm… What is the trend around that job title I wonder?

I decided to look and compare it against the average recruiter salary and the average social media manager salary. Quite revealing. It seems that when you add social media to a recruiter’s duties, their salary worth increases over $10,000.00. A big jump and only a few k difference between doing that and managing social media alone.

Recruiter Salary Comparison Chart

Lesson learned? If you are a recruiter involved with social media and you want to get out of recruiting, your skills are transferable to social media management. Just sayin’…

Oh, one last thing! Adding social media duties to recruiting duties seems to be a new trend, at least being added officially to a job title. According to the chart below, it did not hit the radar until the first quarter of this year.

Recruiter Salary Comparison Chart

Okay, that’s it from me. What do you think?


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