The One Thing Missing From Job Descriptions

When you look at a typical job description, what do you see? Most likely a description of job duties, position requirements, preferred qualifications and a company description. However, there is something missing in this scenario which is, “What happens next?” Can I make a suggestion? Why not add a “Potential Careerpath” section? It could look something like this…

Potential Careerpath:

We want you to join us. We want you to stay. Consider the possibilities.

  • 65% of employees who joined our company as a [insert job title here] have progressed to [insert job title here] in three years.
  • 48% of senior leadership had the position of [insert job title] at some point in their career
  • 26% of those who joined our company as a [insert job title here] have increased their salary 30% over the past 4 years.
  • 35% of those with the job title [insert job title here] tend to stay with the company for a minimum of 3 years

I imagine seeing this type of data on a job description would attract candidates with a long-term vision of their career.

I imagine this information would help HR attract candidates needed for future succession planning.

I also imagine that adding this information would create industry buzz and position the company advertising jobs this way as forward thinking organization with an eye on the future and not simply reacting to present-day needs.

So, what do you think of this? Leave your comments below.


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One thought on “The One Thing Missing From Job Descriptions”

  1. That’s an interesting proposition, Jim. When I joined a major bank more than 40 years ago, that kind of information was included in the recruiting brochure that was handed to me when I showed up for my interview. I’m not sure that organizations even prepare recruiting materials anymore — they just expect candidates to go online and find what they can.

    I think the biggest problems with including such information in a job posting are (1) the HR folks don’t have any experience outside of HR, and consequently don’t know what typical career paths or assignment lengths tend to be; and (2) all of that verbiage adds to the cost of the posting when placed on the major job boards and in newspapers and trade publications.

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