Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control.

This post is a flow of random thoughts but hopefully, not so erratic that it is devoid of any real meaning. Let me know, either way?

If I control what you can see…

If I control what you can say…

Then, essentially, I control how you think.

I control you.

And you might not even know it.

(Then again, maybe you would know it and decide to fight back.)

All I ask, is that you be vigilant. It never hurts to take a second look.

If I control what you can see


If I control what you can say

This quote is from ReclaimTheNet

Salesforce is the latest of several large technology companies to introduce sweeping restrictions that prohibit discussions about voter fraud.

YouTube now issues strikes and suspends channels that allege “widespread fraud, errors, or glitches” changed the outcome of the 2020 US presidential election. Facebook has banned the use of the phrase “Stop the Steal,” regardless of context. And Amazon has removed thousands of items that contained this phrase.

Then, essentially, I control how you think.

The Essential Encounter analyzed George Orwell’s “1984” and how the Big Brother character (the government) used the destruction of language to manipulate how the masses thought. The similarities to our society today is astounding, especially if you are aware of how prevalent big tech censorship is.

By controlling the language, Big Brother controls the way that the people think. With a limited vocabulary, the people are limited in how much they can think, as well as, what they think about. In another passage, Syme says to Winston, “Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.” (Orwell 52).

With the people’s inability to commit thoughtcrime, the hope of the party is that, the people will no longer act out in disruptive or subversive behavior. Big Brother will have complete control of the people in every way, right down to their thoughts, and the people will become, essentially, mindless zombies who are willing to worship and do what they are told with no questions asked. They are able to achieve this by also destroying literature and controlling what the people are able to read.

I control you.

From the American Institute for Economic Research

Recently, the Cato Institute (July 22, 2020) released the results of a detailed survey on how people across the political spectrum are more and more fearful of sharing their political beliefs with others. Whether the respondents labelled themselves as “strongly liberal” or “liberal” or “moderate” or “conservative” or “strongly conservative,” noticeable numbers of them replied that they withheld telling about their political views for fear of “offending” someone and getting into some type of trouble, and therefore practicing forms of self-censorship.

Of those categorizing themselves as “strongly liberal,” which in the American political lexicon really means someone who views themselves as or sympathetic to “progressivism” or “democratic” socialism, 42 percent said they self-censor their political ideas in various public arenas; 64 percent of political “moderates” said they censor themselves; while 77 percent of those considering themselves as “conservatives” or “strong conservatives” said they feared to publicly express their political opinions for fear of negative consequences. 

And you might not even know it.

This 2014 article from The New Republic – “Facebook Could Decide an Election Without Anyone Ever Finding Out” is eye-brow raising, to say the least. Here’s a quote…

On November 2, 2010, Facebook’s American users were subject to an ambitious experiment in civic-engineering: Could a social network get otherwise-indolent people to cast a ballot in that day’s congressional midterm elections?

The answer was yes.

The prod to nudge bystanders to the voting booths was simple. It consisted of a graphic containing a link for looking up polling places, a button to click to announce that you had voted, and the profile photos of up to six Facebook friends who had indicated they’d already done the same. With Facebook’s cooperation, the political scientists who dreamed up the study planted that graphic in the newsfeeds of tens of millions of users. (Other groups of Facebook users were shown a generic get-out-the-vote message or received no voting reminder at all.) Then, in an awesome feat of data-crunching, the researchers cross-referenced their subjects’ names with the day’s actual voting records from precincts across the country to measure how much their voting prompt increased turnout.

Overall, users notified of their friends’ voting were 0.39 percent more likely to vote than those in the control group, and any resulting decisions to cast a ballot also appeared to ripple to the behavior of close Facebook friends, even if those people hadn’t received the original message. That small increase in turnout rates amounted to a lot of new votes. The researchers concluded that their Facebook graphic directly mobilized 60,000 voters, and, thanks to the ripple effect, ultimately caused an additional 340,000 votes to be cast that day. As they point out, George W. Bush won Florida, and thus the presidency, by 537 votes—fewer than 0.01 percent of the votes cast in that state.

(Then again, maybe you would know it and decide to fight back.)

This from ReclaimTheNet

In the US, this is a job for Big Tech, one where, especially in light of the increased pressure coming from the White House to censor COVID and vaccine (mis)information, they appear to be acting as government proxies. But now users of platforms like Facebook have started doing much the same as their Chinese peers: evading deletion and bans by coming up with an entire vocabulary of code words.

NBC News recently reported that Facebook groups where this is happening are large and mostly private, but clearly aware that their communication can be thwarted by algorithmic censoring, and screenshots that the broadcaster said it obtained from some members show that there and on Instagram, when these users talk about “swimmers” the conversation is really about vaccinated people, whereas “dance/dinner party” means a group of people opposed to vaccination.

All I ask, is that you be vigilant. It never hurts to take a second look.


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