In this special episode of “The Source!” Jim Stroud recaps his experiences at SourceCon 2024 in Orlando, Florida. He’s been there many times as a presenter and Emcee, how is this time different? Tune in to find out. | Register now for SourceCon 2024 – San Diego at
Category: Recruiting conference
I presented at Indeed Interactive 2019
I was fortunate enough to be one of the presenters giving job search advice at “Ask the Experts at Indeed Interactive 2019.” Although my time was short, I had a really good time. Can you detect my excitement? Tune in to see for yourself. (FYI, I’m the last person they spoke to.)
WEBINAR: Headline Recruiting-How to Source Passive Candidates from the News
Will you join me on my free webinar next week? Here are the details…
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EVENT: HEADLINE RECRUITING: How to Source Passive Candidates from the News
DATE: Dec 19, 2018
TIME: 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
DESCRIPTION: When it comes to finding great talent, the secret Intel you need might be hiding right out in the open: just check the news! The digital world of the news runs deep. From corporate mergers, moves, and layoffs to weddings, moves, and promotions—it’s all there! In this presentation, Jim Stroud will show you how to dig deep for the news that can lead to that next great hire. Learn where to look, how to make sense of the overwhelming volume of information and how to engage talent with a proven process that works. Walk away with sourcing tips and email resources that you can immediately apply to your sourcing and recruitment efforts. This is an ideal opportunity to learn first-hand about the deep talent resource that’s at your fingertips every day. – REGISTER NOW
I’m speaking at the Evolve Conference in Czech Republic! Join me?
I’m excited about speaking at the Evolve Conference in Czech Republic next month.
I have two presentations on the agenda. Check out the descriptions below.
The Perils and Progress of Workplace Efficiency
15 minutes ago, the world changed. Social Media has caused (or greatly contributed to) a mental health epidemic. As a result, companies had to hire smart in order to protect their interests. So, what are they turning to? Advance technologies that monitor the emotional fitness of their workers, artificial intelligence that scan the faces of candidates for truth when interviewing and other means. These methods may improve overall efficiency and the bottom line of the enterprise but at what cost? When does the collection and tracking of employee data go too far? How much privacy should an interviewee expect to have? And most importantly, how will these practices affect the future world of work?
Email, I love you. You’re perfect! Now change
Robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous cars… The future is no longer an ambiguous date for an upcoming time, but is now a reality that is warping the status quo for generations to come. Yet, fortunately for all concerned, there has been one consistent friend accompanying us from the age of usenet, surviving the time of MySpace and even now flourishes in the era of virtual reality. Can you guess what platform has been empowering communications since the dawn of the internet itself and will likely continue on? Of course, it is email. Email has evolved over the years from being a novelty to an essential asset. Yet, with its long history and the occasional hacking scandal, email has yet to be leveraged to the Nth degree within the recruitment industry. Why not? In the presentation, “Email, I love you. You’re perfect! Now change,” Jim Stroud will detail the history of email, speculate on its evolution and share tips and strategies for making the most of a medium recruiters tend to take for granted. If you think you know all that is necessary to manage your email, your recruitment marketing campaigns and have a handle on what’s to come then, this presentation is sure to open your eyes to something new.
See you there?
The Future of Email and its Impact on Recruiting
During the SourceCon conference, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the “Talk Talent To Me” podcast with Rob Stevenson. After catching up with one another, we discussed some of the finer points of my presentation, “Email, I love you! You’re perfect. Now, change.” Listen in to see what you missed.
By the way, check out my lucky socks! (Thanks Rob!)