Ex-Googler, Anthony Levandowski, has created a religion based on the worship of artificial intelligence and robots. What could go wrong? Listen to Jim Stroud discuss the church – “Way of the Future” and the possibilities it represents in this episode of “The Jim Stroud Show.” | Never miss an episode! Subscribe to JimStroud.com now!
# AI trained to write new verses of the King James Bible
# Way of the Future
# Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence
# Anthony Levandoski
# Stephen Hawking: ‘AI could spell end of the human race‘
# Why Elon Musk is worried about artificial intelligence
# The case for an artificially intelligent God
# The New Religions Obsessed with A.I.
# The Coming AI Gods – Shawn Plep
# Humans will happily worship a ‘robot messiah’, experts claim
# Musings of Man and Machine: How Robots and Automation Will Change Recruiting by Jim Stroud